Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hi Everyone,

As there are 18 of you, whenever you present you work verbally or post it on your blogs, I would like you to state the name of your clients and words, first and foremost.
As you design the spaces and especially staircases in your models, please think about the journey that one would make through your building. Remember that architecture is very much about spatial experiences. Ask yourself questions such as, What feeling does one get when he walks through this space/room/corridor? Are there windows or spaces below and above that give visual interest or break up the monotony of the space? What is the height to width ratio of the space? How does that ratio make one feel? How does this space relate to the rest of the spaces in the building in terms of function or form or rhythm? What is the material palette and what does this palette achieve?

If you find it a bit difficult to tackle these issues in sketchup, don't forget your Moleskine. Pick up a pen and start sketching. Sketching might be a fast and effective way to put some ideas to pen and paper, leaving you plenty of time to model it in sketchup.

Have you thought about how and where your client would produce his work? What are his requirements? How do you think he would like to sell or exhibit his work to his customers? How does your space allow him to effectively and creatively do that? Have you allocated space for any staff he might have? Have you allowed your clients' customers to have awesome spatial experiences while approaching or within your spaces?

Other Studios
Please have a look at the other tutors' blogs, there are some really good advice that would be useful to you.
Please also look at other students' blogs. Having a look at good work could spark an idea of your own, and also give you a benchmark as to what you should strive for.

You need to produce at least 2 pages for each staircase that you design. These sketches have to convey the design and detailing of your staircase clearly. Feel free to use different thickness pens if you need to show greater level of detail. Please arrange the sketches of both pages in a visually pleasing way. As a designer you need to ensure that anything you produce/display is well thought out and aesthetically advanced. 


  1. Hi Jo,

    I hope everything is ok. We haven't been getting many comments from you.. : (

  2. Hi Jo!I'm not sure on te system with Blogger, but I thought I would let you know I replied to your comment on my blog. If you get the chance tonight, would you be able to comment on my questions?

